Monday, December 20, 2010

I knew I should have stayed in bed

Day started off with Loki being a pest to Aikidomayland , to the point of biting him on the foot because Loki just had to go outside!

I got up, put my contacts in. Right one, no problem. Left one.. somehow without noticing, I had torn the lens. I put it in, and instant OMIGODMYEYEITCHES, 10 times worse than if an eyelash fell in. Managed to get it out by virtue of using normal saline and flushing it and the torn bit out. Eye looked like holiday ornament: Red, white, green.

Later on this morning: I noticed the pool cover was flipped back a bit (I told Alan that just tucking it under wouldn't do the trick, and thought he had listened and tied it down tight). Since it was raining and windy, I went out to go put it back and tie it down. About three steps from my objective my foot slid on the ground cover, and down I went..hard. I partially landed on/in the pool, thereby dumping all the leaf filled rain water that had accumulated on it into the pool, and partially on the bricks in a rather wrenching twist. I got up, fixed the pool cover (nothing short of cannon fire wakes Alan up) removed cartridge from water filter, rinsed it out. Replaced it, and bled out the air, all the while getting thoroughly soaked.

I hobbled into the house. Headed to my room to shuck off soggy jeans, and other clothes, grabbed fluffy terrycloth bathrobe.

Now that it's been a few hours, everything from my shoulders down hurts. Ahhh crap.

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