Monday, December 20, 2010

System and gadget snobbery

You run across it every day. Mac user slams PC user, Android user swears iPhone users are idiots, it just goes on and on.

I use a PC by choice. I have in the past used a Mac, and Amiga and PC. My computer of choice is a PC. If you have an old Amiga, I might want to come over and look lovingly at it, and if you have a Mac and it does what you want, fine by me. But do not sit there and infer I am a mental case for not wanting a Mac.

I didn't like iPods for their proprietary format (yes, I know that's been changed). I preferred (and still do) mp3s that I could listen to on whatever device I wanted to use.

Onto phones/handheld devices. I have never been an 'iPhile'. My Treo (from the earlier 270 thru to the 680) did everything I wanted, was stable and very sturdy. I didn't have to 'jailbreak' it and programs were small, stable, functional and inexpensive. I like/liked my Treo 680 (phone function is having fits, but still works as PDA), but I had to get a new phone. Palm Pre didn't show up here, so I had to do a bit of shopping for something else.

Yeah, the Android is all right, but *shrug* yeah whatever. iPhone.. not a big fan of something that is the adult "Tickle Me Elmo" buying frenzy, but mostly because of having two glass faces (don't care how it's tempered glass.. it's still glass). I got to goof around with one, but wasn't really impressed.

I decided on a W7P, the LG C900 to be exact. Is it perfect? No. Can't stand the default ringtones, and I am not conversant enough with MS SDK to change them. Also, unlike my Treo, I can't use my Audible Audiobooks on it, unless I ummm convince them to be MP3s instead, but I will be one of the beta testers for then W7P Audible players when it's available for testing.

Overall, happy with it, though, especially when I hear/read that there will be a Kindle app for it in the near future.

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