Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Now that I have calmed down a bit

My letter to Acer 'Consumer Care' (yeah, right)

Although I did call, and spoke at length with someone at Acer Customer Care, I have long learned it never happened unless it was put in writing, so here goes.

Original Case Number: 070511-24: My computer was overheating. I was told it needed new application of Thermal Paste. I wasn't told that anything else would be done to my system, so I agreed to box my computer up and send it to Sydney, even though your Sydney repair center has had a very poor track record with fixing my computer.

I got it back, and read the work order. It was wrong. My system was not unstable, it was perfectly stable, but it kept overheating. Yes, it would automatically shut down, as that is a safety feature to prevent hardware damage. What it didn't need was being reset to factory default. I was in a state of severe agitation about this because had I been told told, I would have made a full disc image back up before agreeing to ship it you your less than reliable repair center. The data loss I suffered is immeasurable.

The work order also said that components were missing. I was distinctly told to not include mouse, keyboard or power cord. Those were the only parts I didn't send along. The work order also states the video card was damaged. It was working when it left. I suggest you read previous case as to how the courier handled the computer upon pick up.
I'm a bit worried about 'installed components originally missing from factory default build. Does this mean I will be having the GREY SCREEN OF DEATh again from a faulty chipset on the video card? (the reason my computer was 1st sent to Acer Repair, and came back without the video card replace and with the USB ports on left side of machine no longer working)

I am upset about the harddrive wipe. No, I wasn't informed this would be protocol, and I don't give a flying fig if it's ticked on the form. You go look at the previous support ticket, nothing was mentioned, and I dare you try to find recorded conversation of me agreeing to it, because it doesn't exist. I used to work in the IT field, computer repairs, and let me tell you I am disgusted with how this has been handled. We never would have wiped a customers HD without getting permission in writing (email counts as writing). With how the consumer market is, I would have thought Acer would have upped their game. This computer has been a lemon from day one. It has spent more time non functioning, being wiped, having to have software reinstalled, wiped again, repeat three times, than it has been used. I have spent over $10,000 on Acer computers in the past 5 years. Might be a drop in the corporate bucket, but you know with the advent of blogs and twitter, this sort of poor customer service, and bad products becomes well knows. I am looking to have a quad custom built instead of using this boat anchor called Acer Aspire Z5610. I remember when Acers were top of the line. Now, more like bottom of the dung heap, or skip bin, where the this Z5610 is destined for

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